• What is GDV

    What is GDV

    Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Technique: A new approach to the diagnosis of various diseases, and not only this! Read More
  • About KTI

    About KTI

    "KIRLIONICS TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL" is a group of companies for development, manufacturing and implementation of Gas Discharge Visualization technologies (GDV). It consists of "KTI" LLC and "Biotechprogress" LLC. Read More
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GDV Technologies. Opportunities and Prospects

Dear Friends,

Group of companies of “Kirlionics Technologies International” and “Biotechprogress” invite you to participate in the International scientific and practical Conference “GDV Technologies. Opportunities and Prospects.” Russia, St. Petersburg, May 20 - 23 2016

The venue of the conference is a four-level cruise ship “St. Petersburg”.

Conference is devoted to GDV equipment by Biotechprogress.

Participants get a unique opportunity to reconcile an interesting scientific conference with a fascinating journey from St. Petersburg to Mandrogi village, Valaam Island and back. You will be able to visit Monastery of Valaam, a sacred place situated on an island in Ladoga Lake, have a picnic in Mandrogi village and enjoy very picturesque views. The region is known as an ecologically clean place with beautiful nature.

Read more...  

GDV Motivation

Dear Friends!
We are hasten to share with you the news - "Biotechprogress" company has released a new program - GDV Motivation

The program enables to estimate person's priorities, to define his psychological demands, problems and crucial situations.

The program is based on the data received with the help of "GDV Diagram" and "GDV Virtual Chakra".
The cost of "GDV Motivation" is 610 Euro. For our users of "GDV Virtual Chakra" we give a 50% discount for purchase of new software program "GDV Motivation". 

The discount is available until February, 29, 2016.

GDV Training Workshop

Dear Friends!

On June 30 - July 3 an annual International Training Workshop “GDV Technologies” was held. At the Workshop the participants got familiar with modern methods of working with GDV equipment, new GDV developments and new GDV software programs.
A new format of GDV training: with a lot of practice and final testing in the form of a game,was successfully implemented!

GDV Collaboration

Dear Friends,

Group of companies "KTI" and "Biotechprogress" conducted successful talks with companies from the Republic of Slovakia and the Republic of Kazakhstan in July. Companies from these countries in the near future will be our representatives, after the training of specialists on the GDV Technology and signing contracts.

+7 (812) 380-20-02, +7 911 132-78-31
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