• What is GDV

    What is GDV

    Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Technique: A new approach to the diagnosis of various diseases, and not only this! Read More
  • About KTI

    About KTI

    "KIRLIONICS TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL" is a group of companies for development, manufacturing and implementation of Gas Discharge Visualization technologies (GDV). It consists of "KTI" LLC and "Biotechprogress" LLC. Read More
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GDV Compact was awarded the Gold Medal

We are glad to inform you that our device "GDV Compact" was awarded the Gold Medal in the category of "The goods of industrial use" on the specialized inter-regional exhibition "World of Medicine 2016. Health and Beauty" The exhibition was held in Khabarovsk (Russia) from 22 to 25 September, 2016.

With all our heart we congratulate our representative Elena Kozlova with such a great success and wish her further development and prosperity!

We announce 10 % discount

In connection with the 20-th anniversary of the Congress "Science. Information. Spirit." we announce 10 % discount for the purchase of GDV equipment. The offer is available from June, 20 to July, 20, 2016

summer 10 % discount

International Scientific and Practical Conference "GDV Technologies. Opportunities and Prospects" 2016. Overview

Dear Friends,

With the great success has finished International Scientific and Practical Conference "GDV Technologies. Opportunities and Prospects"! The Conference was held on a comfortable four-level boat “St.Petersburg” from St.Petrsburg to Mandrogi, Valaam and back.

Participants of the Conference represented 29 cities of 8 countries. They have heard scientific reports on the different spheres of usage of GDV technology. In the framework of the Conference there was held exhibition and demonstration of GDV equipment and GDV literature.

On the new device “GDV Pulse”, developed by the “Biotechprogress” and “Biokavnt” companies there was held a master-class by the candidate of medical science Sorokin Oleg.

During the whole work of the Conference, every morning, our participants were practicing yoga under the leadership of the Sokovikov Vladimir, the president of the Healthy Lifestyle Club “Nature and Person”.

There was also held a round-table discussion on different questions of GDV development and were took the following decisions:

  • To create one single bibliographic database of materials on GDV method;

  • To Organize Academic Council on the GDV method, whose functions will include the authors’ advice on writing and design of scientific papers, stimulation and helping authors to create new GDV techniques; organization of scientific conferences and seminars.

At the end of the Conference it was decided to hold the next conference in May or June of 2017.

Following the conference, a number of agreements were signed with international partners.

In addition, participants of the conference visited the most beautiful and interesting places of Leningrad’s region and Republic of Karelia, by visiting excursions of Valaam’s monastery and listening to the concert of balalaika during the picnic in the Mandrogi village.

We remind you that every participant of the Conference gets a 20% discount, which is valid up to June, 15, on purchasing of GDV hardware and software, produced by “Biotechprogress” company.

+7 (812) 380-20-02, +7 911 132-78-31
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